Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tips on weight loss (1)

Trying to lose weight and not getting anywhere or simply wanting to improve your fitness level. Either way the following info might be useful. I've broken the article up into a few easily digestible snippets.

Part 1: The Basics

We burn calories all the time even when we are sleeping or thinking albeit the rate of calorie burn is highest when we are exercising. You can calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate) which is how much you burn on an average day based on your height, weight and age. If you increase the time you exercise you can increase your BMR over time.
  • 1 KG of fat is equal to about 7000 calories. So to lose 1/2 KG week we need to burn 3500 calories more than we eat in that week.
  • Also remember that the muscles in our body burn more energy than fat (which may also become like an organ, surprisingly, and this is why fatter people are likely to feel hungry more of the time) So as we get fitter and have more muscles we will improve our weight loss program's effectiveness because we want less and burn more.
  • It is important to remember that we need calories to exercise otherwise we would feel lethargic or worse if we starve too long the body would start burning muscle instead of fat or fuel from food which will in turn leave us weaker.

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