Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pre-race nerves

Unlike most of my other posts in this section this one concerns the mind more than it does the body.

I've been training off-again, on-again for a marathon and have had a injury ridden ride so far. Between nearly busting my knee and twisting my ankle on the same leg (two separate incidents) I would have had the race sewed in the bag if not for a sorely overused and abuse calf on the other leg.

The short of the story is that I've been forced to rest and heal in this final month leading up to my big race when I should have been out there pounding that road. So, now, with the race just three days away I've got a massive case of nerves.

There are three major factions in my mind as of now:

1. I'm done and I'd be glad just to finish the race
2. I'm rested and should be able to blaze a trail
3. I should stop worrying about the outcome and just enjoy the experience of my first race.

No big money on guessing the right answer here but how do I stop the tug between wanting to win and wanting to survive?

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