Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tips on weight loss (3)

Part 3: Why exercise?

When we are consciously working out we do not risk injury and also improve our muscle strength and posture more rapidly than when we simply have a more active lifestyle. So you may e fit but you will carry yourself better and look better when you are making time to exercise.
  • You will need a Cardio exercise you like to form your mainstay. Running, Cycling, Swimming are all good. The trick is that you need to reach a point where you are doing 1 hour 30 minutes worth of exercise 5 times a week.
  • Don't be daunted by the amount of time I recommend. It is better to do long periods of low intensity workouts than short periods of high intensity workouts.
  • The reason for this is that in a short sharp work out our body burns mostly sugar and carbs but in a slow low intensity workout it burns fats.
  • The next thing you need to do is to spend another 15-30 minutes everyday to increase your muscle strength. This is done by skipping, pull ups, chin ups and push ups.
  • Don't feel discouraged if you are not good with these exercises initially and keep at it you will get better.
When I started working out in October '08 I was not even able to do one pull up, would huff and puff after just five push ups and could at best do 10 skips in a go.

Now I can do 1000 skips without stopping, 7 pull ups and chin ups each with just a gap of one minute between the two exercises and 20 push ups. I've lost a total of 45 Kgs since last year and can now run 15 kilometers in a single stretch and frequently cycle 80 km stretches on weekends.

Remember its not so much about how much you can achieve in one session and much more about whether you can keep at it over a long enough time to see the results.

When the results do come they will be well worth it. You will be healthier and look better. I myself feel better and get a load of more compliments on my looks as well.

Hope the above information is as useful for you as it has been for me. Don't hesitate to comment here if you want more information or input from me about your particular situation. I'd be glad to help.

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