Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Time travel

Recently I've been traveling time, happily jumping from many centuries into the future to a couple of millenniums in the past and back again with only short transitions in the here and now.

Now Einstein was a wise man and he knew what he was talking about when he theorized that we probably cannot traverse time conventionally but none the less I've been there and done it.

The best part is that you don't even need elaborate machines to help you along and definitely don't need infinitesimal energy sourses. In fact the equipment is so basic that its been around for centuries and earlier versions have been discovered to have existed for almost as long as man has been civilized and perhaps even before that.

Yes the answer lies in stories, I've been reading my way forward and back. Forward into the fantastic futures devised by Peter F Hamilton and past into David Gemmel's fantastic Grecian times.

Books can bring places and people alive so vividly that you can sense their emotions, embrace their trials and feel their nonchalance for things fantastical for us but everyday life for them.

So pick up your next story and flagrantly flout the laws of Physics.

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