Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weight loss (Updated)

Starting this post off with a before and after pic for reference. (its me both times in the pic with more hair and weight in one than the other)

Since my last post on the topic of Weight loss I've dropped a further 10 lbs and am at 198 lbs which is closer to my target of 187 lbs. Still working towards my six pack before my birthday coming in march.

Due to some work pressures I have less time to workout now days and consequently my new daily schedule is leaner and meaner.

Skipping lucid details of my everyday schedule to talk only about food and exercise

1. 1000 calories on the cross trainer in the morning (takes me about 50 minutes as I use very high resistance)

2. light upper body workout including a bit of weights and push-ups ('weights' is actually just a solitary 35lbs dumbbell)

3. Fruit bowl (mostly berries) followed by regular breakfast (cereal, toast and cheese with low fat chocolate milk)

4. Half an hour of skipping before lunch (8 sets of 250 skips each with breathers in between sets)

5. Buddhist Chinese vegetarian food for lunch with fresh fruit juice/Tender coconut water followed by papaya.

6. Short 15 minute walk in the evening after office

7. Regular Indian dinner followed by chocolate and/or flavored yogurt

8. 500 calories on the cross trainer and off to bed after a shower.

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