Thursday, January 29, 2009

Relativity of Time

Have you also ever noticed the 'relativity of time'? Let me clarify, before the rest of this conversation gets hijacked by you brilliant scientific mind, that I don't mean this question in the 'e=mc2' sense.

Have you noticed that time has a invert relation to our level of immersion in a given activity. The more we get immersed into an activity the shorter time seems to get. When we are enjoying ourselves time flies by and when we labor* at something time can come to a standstill. (* by 'labor' here I mean; the application of will to keep at a task you don't want to do)

This happens to me a lot. When I am working on design or contemplating a production approach or engaged with something else of a similar nature I often find myself with missing hours. However, if I have to wait without a distraction of some sort (book, music or games; all of which I always carry with me) time slows down to a insufferable crawl and even seconds seem impossibly long.

A small mind game I play with myself when I am stuck in one of the slow time situations (works only in the ones where there is a set amount of time that needs to be sped up) is to calculate percentages of the time remaining in relation to the original time block.

Situations where I have no control over the maximum amount of waiting required, with no way to distract myself, depending on the nature of the situation, I either suffer quietly or try frantically to get out of it. (Note to self: Need to find a solution for this)

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